Tag Archives: Bambi

Animation Monday: Bambi

Packed up….moved into a house….it’s time to return to Animation Monday.  We left off at one of the classic Disney movies of all time….Bambi.  This is was movie that almost never became a Disney movie.  MGM held the rights to Bambi for over five years with the intention to make a live-action version of the story.  However, they could never make it work and eventually sold the movie rights to Walt Disney in 1937. Continue reading Animation Monday: Bambi

A Tribute to the Fallen Mothers of Disney Movies

With Mother’s Day coming up on Sunday, I wanted to dedicate today’s post to the mothers who didn’t make it to the end of their Disney movie.  Chances are if you are a mother in a Disney movies, you are not going to make it passed the halfway point of the movie and more likely the first 15 minutes.  However, these deaths help to make the main character stronger by the end of the movie.  I want to spend some time looking at four mothers from Disney movies.

Continue reading A Tribute to the Fallen Mothers of Disney Movies

Disney Sidekicks

Sidekicks come in all shapes and sizes.  They could be that trusted friend who is with you through thick and thin.  They could be someone who guides you through a difficult journey.  You name the situation and Disney as probably created a sidekick to help the main character.  Today, I’m going to briefly mention my top five Disney sidekicks.  Let me know who you think your top Disney sidekicks are:

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All About Thumper

Thumper is one of my favorite Disney characters.  This adorable little rabbit made his debut in Bambi as a little ball of excitement, wonder, and, at times, mischief.  Originally, Thumper was to only have a minor role in Bambi.  After Disney cast young voice-actor Peter Behn, who was only four years old, Thumper took on a prominent role in the movie.

Thumper, in the 21st century, became the centerpiece of a series of books under the Disney Bunnies.  These books were I Love You, My Bunnies, Thumper Counts to Ten, and Goodnight Thumper.  My daughter had a copy of all of these books.

I want to spend a some time discussing why I like Thumper, who in my opinion, is one of Disney’s best supporting characters.

Thumper #5

Continue reading All About Thumper