A May of Firsts

My next Disney trip is coming up in a few weeks (mid-May) thanks to a random day off in my child’s school calendar.  It’s going to be a trip of many firsts for our family.  A lot of the firsts are because we, typically, travel in the fall and not the spring.  It will give me a chance to experience some new things and give me a chance to blog about some new things at Disney as well.

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Surviving Walt Disney World with Younger Children

Walt Disney World is a big place.  It’s a lot of walking and hurrying to get from point A to point B and, also, a lot of waiting.  This is tough on adults but it’s also tough on the children in the parks as well.  Chances are there will be a meltdown in the parks from all the walking and waiting.  It happens to everybody.  What can you do to keep the meltdown at bay or avoid it altogether.

Continue reading Surviving Walt Disney World with Younger Children